Sharing our Message: Jyoti Gulati

May 19, 2022
  • Brent Stewart
  • Brent Stewart
    Digital Strategy & Content Leader at Barry-Wehmiller

Jyoti Gulati has more than 22 years of professional experience in business. She was a vice-president at Citigroup, 曾担任美国运通(American Express)董事和北极星软件实验室(Polaris Software Labs)副总裁,之后她决定退出企业生活,寻找自己的真正目标.

She found her calling in coaching “Business Owners, CEOs, Heads of States, 他们的手艺大师和高绩效者通过与他们最高的自我最深的交流来实现他们最伟大的梦想,从而增加他们在世界上的影响力, leading their organizations from good to great and being at the source of transformation for humanity; through an inner journey of personal transformation and evolution to greater Leadership Depth.”

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的首席执行官鲍勃·查普曼(Bob Chapman)最近参加了一次指导对话,与Jyoti创建的一些组织的成员进行了交谈,这些组织旨在帮助实现她的目标:变革型领导中心, Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence and Centre for Coaching Excellence. You can watch the video of that session through the link above.

Jyoti写了一篇非常有思想的博客文章,讲述了鲍勃对她的旅程的影响,以及《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》对她所指导的领导者的影响. An excerpt from her writing appears below. You can read her entire post here.



I first met Bob exactly two years ago, in May 2019, before the world knew what Covid was.

Thanks to technology, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可以在远离大洋和12小时车程的舒适家中进行一次深入的交谈, me in India and he in the US.

Bob Burg, co-author of the beautiful must-read book The Go-Giver, had connected us because I was in search of Level 5 Leaders, as Jim Collins called them, as role models for my coachees. When Bob Burg heard of my project, he immediately said I had to meet Bob Chapman, Chairman and CEO, Barry-Wehmiller…

For me, business is a work of art, an expression of creativity of the artists known as the business leaders, a vehicle to fulfill one's Purpose this Lifetime. 自从2010年开始当教练以来,我就形成了一个假设。在过去的15年里,我一直热爱疯狂的企业激烈竞争带来的肾上腺素激增, without really knowing that was the journey I was on when I started.

The hypothesis was about business being a way to contribute to the world and only, if one began with that intent, would one be able to lead oneself and one's business from good to great. Otherwise, the business and those who led such businesses in pursuit of wealth, 名望和成功注定会在沿途燃烧殆尽,并因平庸而消亡.

The hypothesis was that the purpose of Business is to make a difference. 当企业实现这一目标时,它不仅会带来更大的、可持续的盈利能力. That it is no longer politics or religion that will lead our species forward. It is on the shoulders of business leaders that the future of humanity now rests…

Yes, it is a long haul forward. Why should you make your life difficult to be on this path? Because this path supports you to have it all - deeply fulfilling successful career, joyful relationships, happy responsible kids and lots of nourishing me-time, while making a huge difference in the world through the work that you do.

旧的领导模式只能给你一个成功的职业生涯,但却以其他一切为代价. In this new model of leadership, 你拥有了这一切,不仅经历了一份成功的事业,还体验了一份创造了巨大积极影响的超级成功事业的快乐.

I believe this new model of leadership will transform what it means to be a business, a leader and a human being inside of that; helping each one of us to contribute massively to humanity, making a huge difference to our fellow beings around the world, through the shared wisdom of our common heritage, our creativity and innovation which is a privilege of our species, and authentic leadership in business and society; creating joy, harmony, peace, loving kindness and prosperity for all beings on our planet. It indeed is a journey worthwhile…

我深深地感谢鲍勃,不仅因为他对我的生活做出了巨大的贡献, 还有他对我的教练们的生活做出的巨大贡献,通过他的辅导课程. My coachees are CEOs, Business Owners and Senior Business Leaders from India.

By mentoring them on Truly Human Leadership, 他改变了他们领导企业的方式,并在内部推动我的国家在经济上成为世界上最发达、最美丽的国家, socially, environmentally, intellectually, spiritually, and infra-structurally - with her citizens happiest, healthiest and the most prosperous in the world.

After a recent mentoring session with Bob, the recording of which is given at the top of this article, 以下是我的小组通过会后回顾和反思从参与者那里收集到的他们的感受, the insights they had and the actions they are committed to take.

I am simply blown away by the depth of impact Bob has had on the group in a mere 2.5 hours session with them. 是什么使转变更快的速度是有一个角色模型,你可以看到和学习,因为它增加你的信念,转变是可能的. And, when you can believe it is possible, then you can make it happen.


Reflection by the Participants Post-Mentoring Session with Bob

How the participants felt as an outcome of the session: Positive, Inspired, Wiser, Focused, Empowered, Rejuvenated, Energized, Grateful, Committed, Encouraged, Happy, Purpose-inspired, Insightful, Deeply Moved.

The insights that the participants had that made a difference to them:

1. Business is the most powerful force for good in our society today. True business success is measured by the way we touch the lives of our people.

2. How we lead affects how we live. Organizations have a significant opportunity to treat people in a different way; a way that energizes, provides purpose, and leads to personal growth.

3. You can't ask people to care. You have to teach them how to care.

4. Don't listen to debate, don't listen to judge, listen to understand.

5. 只有目标、人才和绩效三者的结合才能创造一个成功的组织. An inspiring purpose, inspired people and business performance are all equally important. Only with business performance, 为人们创造了一辆安全巴士,让他们朝着实现组织共同目标的方向前进. It is the responsibility of the business leaders to create that safe bus.

6. 最伟大的慈善行为不是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜开出的支票,而是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜每天如何对待推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的人民.

7. Your culture can give you a competitive advantage.

8. 对待表现不佳的员工,就像对待自己表现不好的孩子一样.

9. As leaders, we can't lose hope. We have to give hope and a grounded sense of future to your people.

10. Everyone is someone's precious child, so when someone joins our team, it is our responsibility to provide the care, inspiration and support that he or she needs to realize and achieve their dreams. This is true not only for our own people, but also for our business partners.

11. It takes real courage and skill to care about people.

12. Leadership = Parenting

13. Be the leader you would want your child to have.

14. Business model needs to take care of all the three - people, purpose and performance.

15. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜需要练习深度倾听,让组织中的每个人都觉得自己很重要.

16. Treat people with respect and dignity.

17. As a leader, we have the privilege of the stewardship of the lives in our care.

18. Leadership is caring and inspiring others to care.

19. Everyone wants to do better, TRUST THEM. Leaders are everywhere, FIND THEM. People achieve good things big and small things every day, CELEBRATE THEM. Some People wish things were a little different, LISTEN TO THEM. Everybody Matters, SHOW THEM.

20. If we build a great culture, then people want to work in our organization. Though, don’t build culture to win the talent war. Build it because we truly care about people.

21. Make every employee feel that they matter.

22. It is important to give employees committed listening.

23. If we have to let go of an employee; call it an adjustment, instead of firing. 并且,带着同情和尊严去做,这样个人就会感到被尊重和关心.

24. My role as a leader is a privilege and a blessed opportunity to touch people’s lives.

25. Everyone is someone’s precious child. 当我与人交往时,无论是个人交往还是工作交往,我都会永远记住这一点.

26. People simply want to know who they are and what they do matters.

27. Listen to understand and validate; and not to argue and debate.

28. 一个真正的领导者不会告诉他的下属该做什么,而是提出问题,引导他们自己做出正确的决定.


The actions that the participants are committed to take in their lives, professionally and personally, that they feel would create breakthrough results for them:

1. 不断提醒自己,我有巨大的责任,因为我比他们的医生更重要,要通过关心和尊重来确保他们的健康和幸福.

2. Treat home support staff with as much care, respect and dignity as for the office staff. Treat people at work like I would treat my son.

3. I will shift from hearing my vendors, suppliers and business partners to deep listening to really understand; relate to them as my family and truly care for them.

4. I will start Listening Sessions in my organization. I will appreciate an employee 10 times for every negative critical feedback that I give.

5. 在整个组织中建立一种关怀文化,而不仅仅是专注于在我的CXO团队中创造.

6. Caring is a skill. I will practice it consciously at work and at home.

7. I will be a leader like a leader I would want my kids to have.

8. I will practice deep empathetic listening.

9. 我将与执行委员会和整个机构分享“人人重要”的理念,并采取行动,建立一个关怀的机构. I will also plan a session on Bob Chapman's concept for the entire organization.

10. 当我和我的人说话时,我会永远记住,每一个人都是别人的宝贝孩子.

11. I will be the harbinger of hope for my people, even during the turmoil we are going through as a business.

12. My job as a leader is to inspire people. I have people in my care. People simply want to know who they are and what they do matters. Listen to understand, not listen to judge. Elevate myself to almost a spiritual form of leadership and personally, learn how to deal with the emotional exhaustion that comes with having to listen.

13. 我将练习积极倾听员工的意见,意图是真正理解,而不是想出一个聪明的回应.

14. 我将与公司中更多不同职能和资历的同事交谈,以建立牢固的联系.

15. I will make a conscious effort to practice deep listening with everyone in my life.


Thank you, Bob, 作为开拓者和领导者,创造了一个更加关怀和爱的世界. 愿上帝继续给你内在的力量、健康和幸福,把你的光传播得更远更远. You are making a huge difference.


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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. 领导力研究所是Barry-Wehmiller的领导力咨询公司,与其他公司合作制定战略愿景, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.

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